Monday, July 30, 2012

The Ride of all Rides!!

Over the weekend the Williamsburg Fire Department held a poker run.  They needed someone to escort all the motorcycles from Parnell to Williamsburg so Travis volunteered us! 
Words could not explain how excited Pierce was!  I'm pretty sure it was the best day of his life, to date:)
Here we are waiting for the phone call from Travis telling us to come to the fire seemed like years for Pierce!!  And of course we were all supporting the WFD t-shirts:)
 They weren't exactly sure what to think...
 Cash-man still wasn't so sure...but by the end he was in love!
 Pierce was ALL smiles:)
 Here's the truck in Parnell getting ready to escort the bikers back.
My husband left out a few the fact the bikers just got to TJ's in Parnell and wanted to chill for a bit.  So Travis, Pierce, Cash and I bellied up to the bar;)  I felt so idiotic with my kids at the bar (full of bikers) and all 4 of us had the same shirt on!  We looked so cool;)
 Travis was thrilled when I asked a fellow friend and biker to take our family picture in the fire truck!!
Family Christmas photo material;)
 Travis wouldn't let me hang my head out the window to take a picture of all the bikes behind us so the best I could do was take a picture of the mirror!  Still pretty neat!
It was the coolest feeling being in the fire truck with full lights and sirens...having 80 bikers behind you! 
{I actually got goose-bumps}
 Final destination...Sundown in Williamsburg!
It was a great few hours and they will be some Pierce will NEVER forget!!
The fireman street dance was that night and I'm pretty sure it was a good time had by all!  Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the W'Burg fire fighters!  They truly appreciate it!

I want to take a minute and wish my parents a happy anniversary....they are celebrating 35 years today!  They are great role models and I only hope Travis and I can have what they have 35 years from now!  We love you very much and wish you a great day!  Here's to 100 more:)

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